Assignment -2 | Product Inventory Management and Analysis in Excel

Excepted timing : 5 minutes

| Product ID | Product Name  | Category   | Price | Quantity |
| 1          | Laptop        | Electronics| 1000  | 5        |
| 2          | T-shirt       | Clothing   | 20    | 10       |
| 3          | Smartphone    | Electronics| 500   | 8        |
| 4          | Headphones    | Electronics| 200   | 15       |
| 5          | Jeans         | Clothing   | 50    | 12       |
| 6          | Tablet        | Electronics| 700   | 6        |
| 7          | Dress Shirt   | Clothing   | 30    | 20       |
| 8          | Camera        | Electronics| 1200  | 3        |
| 9          | Sneakers      | Clothing   | 80    | 7        |
| 10         | Smart Watch   | Electronics| 300   | 10       |
Task :
  1. Create a table to manage product inventory with columns for Product ID, Product Name, Category, Price, and Quantity.
  2. Calculate the total value of each product (Price * Quantity).
  3. Use data validation to create a drop-down list for selecting categories.
  4. Apply conditional formatting to highlight products with a price above $500.
  5. Insert a column chart to visualize the quantity of each product

To perform the tasks outlined in Assignment using Excel, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Steps to Perform:

1.      Create a Table:

2.      Calculate Total Value of Each Product:

3.      Data Validation for Categories:

4.      Conditional Formatting for Prices Above $500:

5.      Insert Column Chart: